The fight for life in South Carolina has changed in the post-Roe v. Wade days brought by Trump appointed Supreme Court justices. The battlefield has shifted in our favor and we are closer than ever to restoring the laws that once protected human life in our historic state.
While SC Republican legislators make excuses for losing this fight to the Democrat minority, YOU have to know how to win this fight for good.
This site is dedicated to giving you the information to win this critical issue for the babies yet to be born and for the God Who created them and us.
The RINO Republicans want to keep promising a victory they will never deliver so long as you keep re-electing them. That is their continued promise, "Keep electing me and I will fight to end abortions in SC".
It clearly is a lie. They will never end abortion because once it is settled and ended, they can't promise to fix it in exchange for your vote. But, what can you do about that?
VOTE THEM OUT! And that is just the beginning. There is much work for you to do on the local battlefront RIGHT THERE IN YOUR LOCAL COUNTY. They will never tell you how it all works but we WILL.
This site is dedicated to all the children we have lost and those that we will not lose in the future.
We are poised for a great victory and we will directly even personally train you to win this fight.
Register below for more information on how to win this battle in 2025 or 2026 at the latest.
We will not post the battle tactics or strategy publicly but if you want to work to achieve this victory, we will work with you. Sign up for our newsletters and training. Make a difference in the lives of future South Carolinians and make a direct impact on this most important issue today.
Explore our educational resources to deepen your understanding of the political landscape surrounding pro-life issues. Gain insight into effective strategies and policies, and learn how what to do locally to WIN this fight.